If Procurement professionals are known for one thing it’s their affection for a finely-tuned process.
fondness for procedure has certainly annoyed some stakeholders over the years, but it’s also helped set the function apart as
a dependable, strategic entity.
No business unit is better equipped to get the trains on
track and ensure they stay there in the long-term.
Remember, there’s no one-size-fits all strategy for
implementing processes and enforcing compliance. Your
particular operations will vary based on organizational
maturity, geographic distribution, headcount, and the
complexity of Procurement’s technology.
Though a number of variables will impact Procurement’s
processes, it’s essential that the department not accept
any variation once these processes are established. To
optimize workflows, reduce cycle times, and avoid rework,
organizations must insist on consistency in the way goods
and services are sourced, procured, and contracted.
Even isolated exceptions will send the wrong message and
undercut Procurement’s efforts to gain executive respect.
Push-back is possible – even likely, but the well-appointed
Procurement department shouldn’t consider this an
obstacle. Rather, it’s evidence that they’re doing their job.
Want to refine your Procurement team's approach to everything from spend analysis to relationship management? Check out the infographic below. For additional insights on the what, how, and why of Procurement's essential processes download Part 3 of Building an Effective Procurement Organization today.
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