Frequently, strategic sourcing and procurement organizations are plagued by “seasonal illness,” meaning, due to the cyclical nature of certain industries, these teams struggle for air when it comes to finding the right resources. Thus, for businesses looking to remedy this dilemma, firms can look to supplement their teams with procurement services providers, contractor, or even a combination of both. For companies seeking strategic sourcing temporary staff services, selecting appropriate talent compatible with company core values, procurement recruiters and their strong temporary staffing solutions may just be what the doctor ordered.

While some firms may possess misconceptions about procurement contractors and feel temporary staffing is a bitter pill to swallow, with detrimental side effects consisting of employee unreliability and indifference to company causes, short-term staffing can relieve firms’ symptoms and breathe new life into businesses in best case scenarios, or euthanize businesses in worst case scenarios. Thus, to help firms achieve this best-case scenario, Dr. Head Hunter is here to present the Anatomy of a Good Procurement Recruiter; a list of tell-tale signs your firm is working with the right strategic sourcing recruiter ready to put your business in the pink:

1. Be an Expert: When it comes to working with procurement recruiters, there are few sicknesses worse than having foot-in- mouth disease. To avoid seeming out-of-touch, firms should ensure their procurement recruiters stay abreast of market trends, and use this information to further their 1.       head-hunting efforts.  After all, a procurement recruiter is never recruiting for just one position, but for future positions as well.

2. Make the Job & Relationship Well-Aligned: Firms should avoid procurement recruiter spin-doctors; information about openings should be candid, yet aligned with company core values and demands. Furthermore, procurement recruiters should ensure candidates will integrate into corporate culture by asking key questions that build off their interests; they must listen closely to find truth in the candidates’ experiences.

       3Respect People’s Time: While it takes time for strategic sourcing and procurement recruiters to drop in and see what condition the market’s condition is in, firms and candidates have limited time and resources to expend in the acquisition process. For businesses to avoid lost opportunities, firms should ensure their procurement recruiters maintain detailed correspondence with them and candidates, updating them about the process frequently.  

      4Keep Yourself Available: Just as it’s important to respect people’s time, it’s equally as important for firms’ procurement recruiters to keep from rubbing salt in candidates’ wounds by maintaining availability for candidates with questions, concerns, and feedback. An open-door process is like an apple-a-day; the same way apples will “keep the doctor away,” an open-door procedure will streamline the hiring process and eliminate miscommunication possibilities

      5Keep a Close Pulse with the Temp Staff: After on-boarding hired hands, firms’ procurement recruiters should consistently conduct check-ups on temp staff to search for vital signs of their performance taking a turn for the better or worst. Procurement recruiters should then communicate and engage openly with temp staff and firms about these observations, in order to maintain optimal temp staff performances and ensure the highest results are delivered to a firm. 
Ultimately, procurement recruiters are a valuable asset for strategic sourcing firms, given their medicinal qualities in providing firms with strong talent acquisition for the short-term and long-term. Additionally, for firms searching for supplemental staffing support in areas relating to spend optimization, supply chain contracting, category management, and more, consider investing some time into utilizing a hybrid model, which can provide onsite recruitment help, along with versatile tools, back-end market intelligence, and more, to help restore your firm to its healthy glory. 

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