Source One maintains one of the largest market knowledge banks in the industry, and we do so by attending numerous conventions and conferences across the country. This lets us glean knowledge from the industry's best and brightest. 

To that end, our Director of IT Services David Pastore is currently in sunny Orlando, FL participating in Gartner's Outsourcing & Strategic Partnerships Summit. He will be there until Wednesday, learning how to better develop strategic supplier relationships and strike a balance between value, cost, and risk. Look for a recap of the event from David later this week.

Additionally, our CEO Steven Belli and our VP of Operations William Dorn are in not-quite-as-sunny Minneapolis, MN this week, attending the latest Corporate United Synergy event. Corporate United, one of the nation's leading Group Purchasing Organizations (GPOs), hosts these events to put its membership of prominent domestic companies in contact with the best service providers in a variety of categories. As one of these service providers, Source One offers its expertise in IT & telecom sourcing to interested CU members.

Speaking of the industry's best and brightest, Source One is also playing a part in the education of the next generation of sourcing professionals. On Tuesday, October 1st, our Director of Strategic Sourcing, Lindsey Fandozzi, will be delivering a lecture for a Rutgers University Operations Analysis class, as part of the University's strong Supply Chain Management curriculum. The lecture will concern how the student's skills will translate into future departmental success, and prepare them for common obstacles they may face down the road. 

These learning opportunities complement and supplement Source One's existing resources, including our educational video series at For more information, comment below.
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Nicholas Hamner

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