The conference participants included representatives of the food animal agriculture industry as well as supply chain managers from grocery stores and restaurants, as well as food distributors, according to Penton Business Media. The event aimed at building consumer trust for food animal agriculture in addition to identifying the positive effect social media strategy could have on relevant businesses across the country. The takeaway message was that communication among supply chain stakeholders as well as direct lines of communication with consumers to reassure them of food safety issues and address any incidents swiftly will benefit the industry as a whole.
“One of the biggest challenges facing the pork industry right now is how to establish lines of communication with the people who are buying our product," said Brad Hennen, a farrow-to-wean producer quoted by Penton. "We need to find open lines of communication because there is a huge disconnect between the producer and the consumer. I would argue that it doesn’t benefit either the consumer or the producer when we are doing most of our communicating through the media.”
Darden Restaurants, which deals with companies such as Olive Garden, Red Lobster and other restaurant chains, recently transformed its supply chain to save $45 million a year, according to the Orlando Sentinel.
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