October 26, 2018
Here's a look at where Source One's cost reduction experts have been featured this week!
Elizabeth Skipor, Thomasnet, 10/22/18
Unlike other indirect spend categories such as office supplies and MRO, sourcing a marketing agency isn't as black and white. Marketing Procurement professionals must identify agencies with the right capabilities, cultural fit, and brand vision. Ensuring the sourcing process runs smoothly and concludes with the on-boarding of an agency that will elevate your brand begins with a clear understanding of the task(s) at hand. Before diving into a marketing sourcing initiative, develop a clear Scope of Work to guide the process. Source One's Marketing Sourcing expert, Elizabeth Skipor delivers her tips for eliminating the risks of reworks and time sucks by developing an effective Scope of Work for the marketing category upfront.
Brian Seipel, Future of Sourcing, 10/25/18
If you think telecom invoices are built like invoices in other categories- a handful of line items, along with quantities, and unit pricing all nicely listed in a neat row and reconciled against a total invoice cost: you'd be wrong. In fact, they are designed to be confusing. Fear not, however. Source One Consultant, Brian Seipel explains how to navigate the mazes that are telecom invoices so you can address cost reduction opportunities.
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Find Source One's MRO sourcing experts in Fort Worth, Texas for ProcureCon MRO! They're looking forward to engaging MRO category managers and purchasing professionals to share their insights for effectively approaching MRO spend management.
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