DDR, a firm that owns and manages hundreds of shopping centers across several countries, recently released its 2012 corporate social responsibility (CSR) report, which details the steps the corporation takes to report its procurement, manufacturing and logistical processes.
"We are very pleased to offer this report as a means to demonstrate out ongoing efforts regarding corporate social responsibility, while highlighting the measurable results we have achieved to date," said Joseph Tichar, DDR's senior vice president of corporate operations. "We are committed to maintaining our distinction as a responsible corporate citizen. Whether in the form of resource reduction, employee training and development, or solidifying our role in the communities our shopping centers serve, each initiative has a positive result for our business and our stakeholders."
Projects can cut costs
Some of the largest projects the company took on in terms of CSR over the year were related to using efficient lighting, conserving water, recycling materials and beginning to implement the use of solar energy. According to the report, DDR managed to install 8,000 solar energy panels, cut down on energy use and limit water waste with smart systems throughout its facilities.
Not only can these business decisions result in favorable press, they can also have a significant impact on the cost savings within a company's supply chain. Firms that take the initiative to cut down on more wasteful practices can cut costs, while those that implement sustainable energy policies can find their manufacturing or logistical expenses fall due to their limited use of more expensive forms of nonrenewable energy.
As more businesses become concerned about sustainability throughout their manufacturing, logistical and procurement process, more are taking the initiative to cut resource use and limit waste, which can result in major business cost reductions both in the short and long term.
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