Oftentimes introverts are associated with being shy and unsociable; however, the true introvert is much more than that. Contrary to popular belief, the typical introvert holds personality traits that are critical in the workplace. Carl Jung, the psychologist who developed the personality types of introvert and extravert, defines an introvert as someone who gains energy from being alone. This personality trait contrasts from an extravert, who energizes from being surrounded by others.

So why are introverts valuable in the workplace?

Introverts are approachable. 

Introverts are naturally calm having a pleasant demeanor which puts others who approach them at ease. They tend to put themselves in other peoples’ shoes and seek to understand different perspectives contributing to their warm and compassionate appearance.

Introverts are careful listeners.
Because introverts prefer not to be the center of attention, they often take this time to sit back, observe and listen to what others have to say. They tend to do a better job at actually listening and learning, instead of dominating the conversation.

Introverts are creative. Most introverts prefer working by themselves and are energized by their own thoughts. This alone time gives them the opportunity to focus which increases their ability to formulate creative ideas.

Introverts are great leaders.
Introverts think before they speak. They value the opportunity to carefully reflect, which keeps them from jumping to conclusions and being quick to judge. Due to this trait, they typically refrain from making quick decisions, and look out for the best interests of all those involved. Introverts possess the great leadership skill of taking initiative without taking over.

Tips for Managing Introverts

Ask questions.
Due to their reserved nature, introverts wait to be asked questions rather than asking themselves. A good way to overcome this is to specifically give them an opportunity to voice their thoughts and ideas by asking them questions.

Give them time to think and plan.
Introverts value reflection time. Giving your introverted employee ample time to reflect on questions or plan ahead will improve their ability to convey their ideas thoroughly.

Managing diverse personalities in the workplace is crucial to sustaining an effective work environment. This will be a major topic of discussion during ISM2016, taking place from May 15-18, in Indianapolis, IN.

Susan Cain, author of best-selling book Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking, will be a keynote speaker, sharing insights on how to manage introverts in a work environment. Cain will also be guest-speaking during the EXEC IN Conference, an exclusive event occurring during ISM 2016, sponsored by Source One Management Services.

This is an opportunity that you won’t want to miss…For more information on ISM 2016 and EXEC IN, click here.

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