Join Other Procurement Executives, Sr. Managers, and Industry Thought Leaders for
A No-Obligation Procurement Meet & Greet Happy Hour in Chicago.
October 22nd, River North - Chicago (60654)
The Strategic Sourceror would like to welcome procurement practitioners in the Chicagoland area to join us in a local meet and greet, complete with free drinks, snacks & conversation.
Please join Source One, MRA Global, Bravo Solution, industry analysts, consultants, bloggers and local procurement practitioners in our first ever Procurement Executive Meet and Greet. We'll be caucusing in River North, for a happy hour on October 22nd and will be celebrating Source One and MRA Global's recent Chicago office expansion.
We'll provide drinks, appetizers and a welcoming location to swap war stories, success stories, staffing, etc. to top procurement professionals. There is no sales pitch to listen to, and no speaker to bore you. Simply come out and say hello.
If you'd like to attend, please RSVP to
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