February 17, 2017

Here's a look at where Source One's cost reduction
 experts have been featured this week!

In a role that contributes to all business functions, sourcing professionals are required to consistently offer evident value for the organizations they support. Vice President of Professional Services, Joe Payne, reiterates how the particular role of strategic sourcing and procurement need to define their efforts to influence the perception of procurement from professionals of other functions in their organization. The industry has grown from the traditional concept of procurement and sourcing, and the experts in these areas need to keep up with the new definition of their role, while encouraging C-suite and stakeholder support for the opportunities procurement can create for the organization.  

As February wraps up, the experts at Source One look ahead to the industry events held in the spring and summer months. On March 16th, our strategic sourcing professionals will attend the Institute for Supply Management's New York area conference. This meeting is held annually, as a one day opportunity for procurement and risk management experts to join in sharing industry trends and expectations for the coming year. Executives in the industry will present informative sessions on balancing change and innovation in 2017, and their educated predictions for the future of procurement, based on recent patterns and trends in the industry.

ISM 2017
While we prepare for the supply chain and procurement industry events of 2017, the Institute for Supply Management's annual conference in May is highly anticipated. Over the four day event, more than 2,500 global supply chain and procurement professionals will be networking, attending educational sessions, and getting exposure to some of the leading supply chain and procurement executive's through informative presentations. Source One will be hosting ExecIn, a sub-conference designed specifically for supply management leaders. The keynote speakers at ExecIn present exclusive sessions designed for executives at non-consulting organizations, that ultimately allow them to evaluate their processes and find opportunities for improvement in their business. 
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