A business is like a body. When one component starts to slow or deteriorate, it can quickly produce widely felt ripple effects. In time, these effects can worsen and small symptoms can evolve into serious illness. Acting fast and treating issues at their source is critical if an individual - or an organization - wants to avoid such a situation.

Unfortunately, many organizations lack visibility into their health. Operating with un-diagnosed, unrecognized illnesses, they experience diminishing returns and disappointing results. They require a rapid assessment, a check-up to identify the source of their symptoms and devise a treatment before its too late.

Source One's Procurement Rapid Assessment tool helps you take a holistic look at the function's vital organs. Assessing the maturity and stability of each, it provides a sense of your overall organizational well-being. Chrome users, Download the chart below to try it out.

Want a second opinion? Reach out to the Procurement doctors at Source One today. Together we'll develop a plan to boost Procurement's immune system, treat its symptoms, and not only help it recover, but ensure it thrives for years to come.
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