Today Supply & Demand Chain Executive announced the recipients for their 2017 Top 100 Projects award, including Procurement Services provider Source One Management Services for their Strategic Sourcing team's recent initiative. The projects awarded were selected based on their forward-thinking perspective for the industry and ability to identify new opportunities. SDCE believes that one of the most crucial methods for developing and implementing best practices is to utilize well-scoped projects that can demonstrate the organization's strategic objectives. The results of these projects can offer insight and opportunities for improved operations and innovation.
It's becoming more and more common for companies to seek the support of various business units in reconstructing their supply management practices," explains Source One's VP of Professional Services Joe Payne, "As procurement professionals, we are in the ideal position to align stakeholders for developing the most efficient solution for the organization's underlying goals.
This specific project involved a specialty foods manufacturer in need of a more efficient and better equipped Warehouse Management System (WMS). They were seeking a system that was capable of supporting their company's goal to deliver plant-based foods of the highest quality for their customers by utilizing best practices for sustainability. In this situation, the Strategic Sourcing team at Source One received input from supply chain and IT to ensure both stakeholder group's needs were met. The Source One procurement consultant team recognized how important it was to align these stakeholder groups, and incorporated both team's perspectives when developing the strategy for an improved WMS that matched everyone's needs. The client was able to achieve 40% savings based on the information Source One presented them.

To learn more about Source One's Strategic Sourcing services, visit
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