Telecom services have become one of the top four overall expenses of an entire organization, as a category where rogue spending can quickly get out of control and add up on the monthly bill. For this reason it is crucial to review all your organizations telecom services and be aware of where your spend is to realize potential savings opportunities. The most efficient way to avoid unnecessary spend and unanticipated costs is to manage telecom with a standardized approach to give your organization an accurate understanding. Once you understand, you can go to market to realize discount potential, competitive leverage within the market, and additional opportunities to improve your telecom provider relationship. Ask yourself these questions and consider how going to market can improve your relationship, benefit from new agreements and prevent unnecessary spending in your telecom category.
Has your organization grown?
If so, you've likely needed to invest in new hardware and services and while this increases spend there are also new opportunities for savings. Many telecom suppliers provider greater discounts and benefits for larger companies. This allows you to leverage your large volume needs for more buying power, and telecom companies will extend higher discounts and other benefits to ensure a sizable organization signs a contract with them.
When was the last time you went to market?
While telecom is a competitive market where technology is continually replaced with new and improved options, it is expected that prices will continually decline. For this reason, projected savings are inaccurate because contracts were previously negotiated on old technology or past consumption needs. You can go to market without the intention to switch providers, and use it as an opportunity to gain market intelligence to ensure your current pricing is competitive compared to other providers.
Are you satisfied with the customer service from your current provider?
Price is usually a significant deciding factor but it should not be the only reason you prefer the selected provider. The advantage of reliable customer service that will be there when you have an issue with your network or any telecom service should be considered before signing a contract with the lowest bidder. When you go to market and distribute RFP's you can include preferences for customer service that they can respond to, providing you with an understanding of their customer service level.
As a telecom sourcing partner with the nation's largest indirect group purchasing organization, Corporate United, Source One offers services that provide customized strategic solutions in addition to cost savings for members. This summer, Source One will join Corporate United on the Road to SYNERGY as they travel the country to meet with local thought-leaders and other spend management experts in select regional areas across the U.S. The first stop will be in Baltimore, Maryland on Tuesday June 6th. If you haven't already, check out the exciting agenda of informative sessions and register now to join us on the Road to SYNERGY!
Has your organization grown?
If so, you've likely needed to invest in new hardware and services and while this increases spend there are also new opportunities for savings. Many telecom suppliers provider greater discounts and benefits for larger companies. This allows you to leverage your large volume needs for more buying power, and telecom companies will extend higher discounts and other benefits to ensure a sizable organization signs a contract with them.
When was the last time you went to market?
While telecom is a competitive market where technology is continually replaced with new and improved options, it is expected that prices will continually decline. For this reason, projected savings are inaccurate because contracts were previously negotiated on old technology or past consumption needs. You can go to market without the intention to switch providers, and use it as an opportunity to gain market intelligence to ensure your current pricing is competitive compared to other providers.
Are you satisfied with the customer service from your current provider?
Price is usually a significant deciding factor but it should not be the only reason you prefer the selected provider. The advantage of reliable customer service that will be there when you have an issue with your network or any telecom service should be considered before signing a contract with the lowest bidder. When you go to market and distribute RFP's you can include preferences for customer service that they can respond to, providing you with an understanding of their customer service level.
As a telecom sourcing partner with the nation's largest indirect group purchasing organization, Corporate United, Source One offers services that provide customized strategic solutions in addition to cost savings for members. This summer, Source One will join Corporate United on the Road to SYNERGY as they travel the country to meet with local thought-leaders and other spend management experts in select regional areas across the U.S. The first stop will be in Baltimore, Maryland on Tuesday June 6th. If you haven't already, check out the exciting agenda of informative sessions and register now to join us on the Road to SYNERGY!
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