For those of you that subscribe to Source One's newsletter already, you might have already seen some of these, but come on, they're great infographics, so you know you want to see them again!

It's come to our attention that many of our readers don't realize that The Strategic Sourceror blog is 100% managed and run by Source One Management Services, LLC, who is a leading procurement service provider that specializes in Strategic Sourcing Services and Benchmarking Market Research.  Well, if you didn't know before, now you do. 

As we mentioned in an earlier post, 2012 was a breakthrough year for both The Strategic Sourceror blog and Source One, our consulting practice.    To mark the year for us, we've created the following infographics highlighting some of the prior year's successes.

So thank you for a great 2012.  And please remember to contact Source One if you need any extra strategic sourcing resources in 2013!

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William Dorn

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