2012 marked the end of Source One's 5th full year operating The Strategic Sourceror. To date, we've logged nearly 2,000 articles, rants and strategic sourcing tips. We've got hundreds of RSS feed subscribers and thousands of both new visitors and returning visitors. I hope we continue to produce content that provides you with value. Feel free to comment below, or contact the editors if you have some ideas for future news, best-practice articles or rants.
Below are the hottest Strategic Sourceror articles of last year.
Most Read Posts that were written in 2012:
- My iPhone 5 is Going Back, part 1
- Negotiation No Longer Most Important Skill for Purchasing and Supply Chain Managers
- Mobile Technology Solutions in Healthcare
- The New Strategic Sourcing is... Strategic Sourcing!
- Sustainability and the Supply Chain
Most Read Posts of 2012 (Regardless of when they were written):
- The Role of a Strategic Sourcing Professional - No Sacred Cows Allowed
- Cost Savings in the Windy City - Will Accenture Produce Tangible Budgetary Reductions for Chicago?
- Tips for Picking the Right Contingency Based Sourcing Consultant
- Contract Management 101 - Why is it Important?
- Change Management in a Dog Eat Dog World
So what would you like to see more of us writing about in 2013?
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