Samsung revealed that it found several unfavorable practices being regularly used in its suppliers' manufacturing process, including employees working excessive overtime and being forced to pay fines when arriving late or absent from work. The company is now investigating 144 additional suppliers located in China, and it anticipates having the results of this audit before the end of the year. Samsung has claimed it will take the necessary steps to eliminate inadequate practices in all facilities as soon as possible, and has developed new guidelines to ensure no supplier or manufacturer takes part in unapproved hiring techniques or enforces unapproved rules.
New guidelines
Despite the fact that it found no instances of child labor being used in supplier facilities, Samsung has strengthened its commitment to ethical labor practices and will require all suppliers to adopt new guidelines in regard to child labor immediately. All potential employees must now be interviewed in person and review Samsung's new special guidelines on how to prevent child labor. All the company's suppliers will also be required to purchase a device that will better detect fake IDs and determine if a potential worker is of legal age.
However, child labor is not the only issue Samsung is concerned about. The company will require its suppliers and manufacturers to take steps to implement new work policies by the end of the year. Facilities will no longer be able to charge their employees fines for showing up late or missing a shift, and all employees will be provided with information on where to turn if they suspect their employer is violating labor laws. All workers must undergo adequate safety training to ensure no accidents occur while they are on the job, and first-aid kits will be provided to facilities and dormitories. Additionally, the company is seeking ways to reduce the number of hours worked by employees, and has announced it will develop a plan by the end of the year.
Implementing these new policies may have the potential to raise manufacturing costs for Samsung, but the company has voiced concern about the working conditions it discovered through the audit, and aims to ensure its supply chain will soon be free from the unethical practices it found.
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