However, after costing more than $1 billion since the program began in 2005 and failing to show significant promise, the Air Force canceled the program. The Dayton Business Journal reported that Air Force officials presume it would take an additional $1.1 billion to get the project to just a quarter of its original scope, and even that plan could not be implemented until about 2020.
After canceling this plan, the Air Force will now rely on its current system and modify it in order to meet 2017 auditability and financial improvement goals.
"Therefore, we are canceling the program and moving forward with other options in order to meet both requirements," a statement released by the Air Force read. "As our acquisition and logistics leadership worked through the third program to restructure in the last three years, it became apparent that the Air Force will be better served by developing an entirely new strategy versus revamping the ECSS system of record again. The scope of ECSS continues to decrease even as the costs continue to increase and the schedule continues to lengthen."
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