On October 24th and 25th the Next
Level Purchasing Association welcomes procurement professionals to Pittsburgh,
PA for their annual conference. This year’s attendees are invited to ‘make
their mark on procurement history’ alongside leading procurement practitioners,
thought leaders and other key players in the industry. Created with the needs
of today’s procurement pros in mind, this conference offers valuable insight
and takeaways for participants through an assortment of workshops and
presentations. In between educational sessions, networking opportunities allow
for meeting with other members of the procurement industry including a variety
of providers of procurement-related products and services.
Associate Director and Procurement Transformation Advisor, Jennifer
Ulrich will present a session titled No
Taxation without Representation: Procurement’s Crucial Seat at the Table -keeping
with the historical theme of the event.
The session will guide participants on how to redirect the traditional approach
to procurement by using better metrics, improved hiring practices and means for
supplementing internal resources with the right partners. Ulrich offers these
methods and more to demonstrate the
value of procurement for any organization. Attendees can look forward to
bringing these materials into important discussions and contribute to decisions
with an informed voice. Other sessions include advice on negotiations, KPIs, cost
saving ideas, and more procurement trends.
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