Packaging is typically the first attribute noticed by a
consumer making an in-store purchase, acting as an ambassador to the finished
good inside. The quality of packaging
materials is important to protect the product and prevent loss from damage
in transit. The branding and design is
equally as important for marketing and product differentiation. These essential characteristics come at a
cost, and are typically considered a direct material, one that is wrapped up
into the cost of goods sold (COGS).
Procuring direct items is a challenging endeavor, as the materials
directly impact the customer’s perception of the finished good. Quality and costs must reach a fragile
balance to match the perceived value of the item and drive consumption. To add to this, direct
materials are often commodity items, meaning pricing may be volatile. Packaging materials are not an exception to
this rule, and there are certainly tactics that can be placed to reduce the
level of risk associated with fluctuating raw material pricing. While important in maintaining competitive
pricing, hedging commodity indices is not the only opportunity for cost
optimization in the packaging category.
Advanced purchasing strategies can reduce pricing margins beyond the raw
material cost, and lead to more efficient sourcing.
The first area of impact for cost reduction is in analyzing
optimal run sizes. A run size is the
quantity of materials produced in one production cycle. Purchasing strategy should take these
quantities into consideration to fully optimize costs. Ordering in quantities outside of the
manufacturer’s optimal run size exposes the supplier to risk in holding overage
inventory or having to short-run their production, both of which will come at
an increased cost.
Placing blanket purchase orders is a way to take advantage
of pricing associated with these favorable volumes without taking on more
inventory than is required. Under a
blanket PO, an order can be placed to cover the full run size with periodic
releases of inventory from the manufacturer.
This also further reduces overhead costs associated with processing
frequent purchase orders. Once all
releases have been fulfilled, the blanket purchase order is complete. Inventory cost and risk can be reduced
further through the implementation of a Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) program.
This allows the manufacturer to control inventory replenishment and have direct
visibility into the quantities to prioritize and optimize their production
Finding the ideal product mix is an additional way to
leverage volumes for better pricing without necessarily having to take on
additional inventory risk. A high
volume, low mix market basket is the ideal scenario for taking advantage of
these benefits. Periodically, packaging
material specifications should be reviewed and rationalized, seeking areas of
overlap to reduce the amount of differing items. For example if item A utilizes a corrugated
box with dimensions 8” x 16” x 4” with a custom foam insert and item B requires
a slightly larger corrugated box with dimensions 8” x 18” x 4” also with a
custom foam insert, there is opportunity for review and consolidation. It may be more cost effective to use the
larger box across both products, as the volume leverage reduces cost
drastically enough to justify the extra material. Alternately, the foam insert for item B may
be able to be reduced in size to fit item A box specifications. As a result, material
costs well be reduced while negotiation leverage simultaneously increases.
Furthering specification rationalization is branding
rationalization. Procurement and
marketing must work together to find the ideal balance of promotional package
branding and cost optimization. Custom
prints using multiple colors while pleasing to look at, can be costly to
produce. Frequent design changes can
require additional upfront investment in reengineering fees. The level of detail in a design should strike
a balance of consumer friendly and conscious of small details that may be
better off omitted due to the risk of frequent change requirements.
Frequently evaluating purchasing tactics and coordinating
optimization strategies with internal departments and suppliers is an excellent
step in becoming a procurement center of excellence. It is important to exhaust every angle when
seeking areas of opportunity, and to never assume an item’s cost is not
impactable due to commodity material pricing.
Source One Management Services has developed expertise in
sourcing direct material across many sourcing categories, including
packaging. Contact
our strategic sourcing experts today, to learn more about optimizing your
packaging spend.
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