Burger King announced they will be retiring their mascot "The King" and begin to focus on a new marketing program the promotes fresh ingredients. It seems like Burger King is always a little late to the game. Wendys and McDonalds have already been down playing their mascots and changing their product offerings for some time now. We constantly see ads with more salads and smoothies and less of Wendy and Ronald. Burger King has also decided to change their target audience from the young male teen to mothers and families.
Currently, Burger King is seated number 4 in the US restaurant industry; however over the past 2 quarters revenue has declined while McDonalds, Starbucks, and Subway have all reported gains. So in an effort to do something rather than nothing, Burger King will start to promote fresher ingredients like fresh guacamole on its California Whopper. Burger King has a lot of catching up to do, and the shift in marketing will at least get them back on track with the competition. This also may be a last ditch effort for Burger King to stay alive in this market. We'll find out.
Currently, Burger King is seated number 4 in the US restaurant industry; however over the past 2 quarters revenue has declined while McDonalds, Starbucks, and Subway have all reported gains. So in an effort to do something rather than nothing, Burger King will start to promote fresher ingredients like fresh guacamole on its California Whopper. Burger King has a lot of catching up to do, and the shift in marketing will at least get them back on track with the competition. This also may be a last ditch effort for Burger King to stay alive in this market. We'll find out.
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