According to the company, its Streamway System is an automated surgical fluid disposal tool that helps maintain cleanliness and prevent infections in hospitals. So far, hospitals across the U.S. have installed the system, including a large Minnesota Hospital that has praised the system for its clinical benefits and user friendliness.
The FDA cleared Streamway System lets doctors more safely and effectively dispose of potentially infectious fluids in operating rooms. Hospitals that have used the system affirm it has resulted in fewer infections of both patients and doctors and that the reduction in illnesses has helped cut costs and ensure sterile environments remain that way.
"Due to the rapidly increasing market need for enhanced safety and compliance to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards in the operating room, more and more hospitals are now leaning towards our innovative solutions to efficiently update their facilities," said BioDrain Medical president Kevin Davidson. "We are extremely excited about the installation in this Minnesota hospital and look forward to additional opportunities that may develop from this and other new relationships."
Bio-Drain lost its large Minneapolis hospital and its beta site due to repeated performance and reliability issues. Nice conceptually, but the rubber doesn't meet the road with this start-up and installing their system is assuming significant risk to the healthcare facility.