Did you know... Source One turns 25 this year! With a quarter of a century as a leading procurement services provider, we have much to celebrate! What better way to honor the occasion than with our friends and partners in a Chicago Procurement Professionals Happy Hour?

Thinking about attending but having a hard time tearing yourself away from work to attend? We've got a number of reasons you should be there: 

25. To Brush Up on Your History – Alright, while no one’s really hitting that pub crawl to admire the wonderful decades of alcohol history, it’s worth noting that happy hours began during prohibition, where sly men and women would sneak into speak easies for a quick refresher prior to dinnertime.

24. To Meet New People – What better excuse to push yourself outside your comfort zone, strengthen your ties to the Chicagoland community, and broaden your circle of friends and flames than through Source One’s Procurement Professional Happy Hour? Who knows, you might even meet the next love of your life!

23. To Gush Over Upcoming Sports Seasons – Ready for the Cub’s big debut in the 2017 World Series this fall? Or how ‘bout the Black Hawks, favored Stanley Cup champs for the past few years? What better way to geek out over the upcoming sports seasons than at the Source One Happy Hour!

22. To Recharge After a Long Week – As Aziz Ansari once famously chanted on Parks & Rec, “TREAT YO SELF!” After all, you work hard, you play hard. Everyone deserves a break, including you. You owe it to yourself to show up at Source One’s Happy Hour.

21. To Encourage Work-Life Balance – Besides simply recharging after grueling hours of work, happy hours like Source One’s event can provide a much needed balance between work life and social life that is so fundamental to maintaining one’s health and personal fulfillment between productivity and relaxation. 

For further information on Source One's Chicago Procurement Professional Happy Hour, please contact Kaitlyn Krigbaum at kkrigbaum@sourceoneinc.com

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