Source One Round Up

April 21, 2017

Here's a look at where Source One's cost reduction
 experts have been featured this week!

The Nuts and Bolts of MRO Spend
Lisa Arnseth, ISM Magazine, April 2017

This article features top MRO professionals advice for reducing the complicated spend within the category specifically, including Source One Senior Consultant in the MRO practice Michael Croasdale. In the article, Croasdale is quoted with a statement on removing the common misconception that MRO is a category too complex to contract for unplanned purchases, and explains that with the right approach, MRO professionals can identify important patterns. At the end of the article, Croasdale elaborates in a sidebar titled When to Bring In An MRO Service Provider.... And When Not To, where he explains how third-party firms can provide spend analytics and data aggregation, data management support and strategic sourcing and procurement transformation services to get a solid grasp on MRO spend.

ISM 2017
Next month in Orlando, Florida the Institute for Supply Management will host their annual conference that welcomes more than 2,500 supply chain professionals from around the world, including consultants from Source One. ISM2017 includes educational sessions, informative presentations, and networking opportunities for attendees over the course of four days. The ISM conference features Exec In, a sub-conference designed specifically for supply management leaders and sponsored exclusively by Source One. Attendees for Exec In act as decision makers in their organization and can take advantage of this opportunity to reconsider processes and plan ahead for the future of procurement and supply chain management in their organization.

The Road to SYNERGY - Baltimore, MD
Corporate United will host regional events in their Road to SYNERGY series kicking off this summer, in anticipation of their national SYNERGY conference in the fall. These one day events around the country will invite professionals local to the area for smaller collaboration sessions that will prepare them to meet with colleagues from all over the U.S. at SYNERGY. The first stop for the Road to SYNERGY series will be in the fall in Baltimore, Maryland on June 6th. Procurement and supply chain professionals can anticipate members of the Source One team's insights as we follow along on the Road to SYNERGY as Gold Sponsors of the national event.

ISM- New York Annual Conference- Procurement Risk Management
After being rescheduled due to Snow Storm Stella at the end of March, ISM New York's Risk Management annual conference will be postponed until June 14th. Attendees can anticipate the agenda as planned, with small sessions that review procurement trends and anticipations for 2017. This event serves as a great opportunity for professionals local to the area to regroup after the international ISM conference in May. Members of the Source One procurement and supply chain team look forward to attending ISM New York's Procurement Risk Management conference and talking to other industry leaders in the area!

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