The speakers and panelists featured during ExecIn are all Directors, VP, or CPO level in sizable organizations and offer their specific expertise to attendees that are in similar situations. Highlights including the CPO Roundtable, Procurement 4.0 and more are all opportunities for the managerial attendees to learn how to challenge traditional procurement mindset and focus on the potential behind data innovation through recent technological advancements. As procurement professionals, it's crucial to be in touch with new improvements including AI, IoT, and Block Chain, and globalization, on-shoring, offshoring and consolidation's effect on shifting business models.
Other sessions include The Science of Leadership, a conversation about how to lead different personalities and successfully manage the variety of individuals on your team. Real world practices are introduced to metrics and research in the 10X Your Supply Management Function: What Does the Best of the Best look Like in Practice? session that reviews emerging practices and programs of world class supply management organizations that are the behind the best metrics, results and performances. ExecIn concludes with a connection reception that allows attendees to meet with the future of procurement and supply chain, individuals that are recognized as rising talent in the industry and have received awards for their accomplishments in their work.
Source One serves as the exclusive sponsor for the ExecIn sub-conference and is pleased to present these sessions that offer a distinct experience for the procurement executives who act as decision makers in their organization. For two days of ISM, top supply management leaders can attend ExecIn as a private experience. While team members attend sessions for the general audience at ISM, the ExecIn audience gathers for specialized breakout meetings to participate in discussions that allow them to re-evaluate their processes while discovering new opportunites that can rejuvenate development that will assist them in better achieving their organization's goals
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