ICYMIM: April 10, 2017

Source One's series for keeping up with the most recent highlights in procurement, sourcing, and supply chain news week to week. To stay updated on the latest supply management articles, check in with us every Monday.

9 Reasons Suppliers Aren't Participating in Your RFP
Nicole Shedden, Corporate United, April 7, 2017

Every procurement professional knows conducting an RFP is a time consuming process that doesn't always guarantee better pricing. Collecting data, creating documents, and communicating with suppliers can require a lot of time. For this reason, it's important to ensure your RFP includes all the necessary details for suppliers to seriously consider participating. This process can take up a lot of time on their end as well, and if they don't win the business it could have been wasted efforts on their part. Suppliers look for warning signs of an RFP before becoming engaged in the process, and as procurement professionals it's important to avoid these details that could turn a potential supplier away from participating.

To Truly Be Successful at Supplier Risk Management, ADMIRE!
Michael Lamoureux, AKA The Sourcing Doctor, Sourcing Innovation, April 6, 2017

Supplier relationship management and risk management have been separated in the procurement and supply chain in the past, but supplier risk is a hot topic in the industry right now. There's a bit of debate on the most successful route for executing supplier risk management, but it seems there's a few general ideas most experts can agree on. Collaborating with key suppliers is a best practice that can not only manage supplier risk but offer valuable solutions for your supply chain that can reduce costs for both parties. The Doctor recommends engaging the ADMIRE model, which offers effective approaches for managing risk with suppliers.

3 Steps To Be More Sustainable On The Shop Floor
Christina O'Handley, THOMASNET.com, March 31, 2017

In the amount of jobs in the U.S. Clean Economy in 2010, the manufacturing industry proved to be the greatest producer of clean jobs. They've particularly embraced sustainability, as supply chain and procurement groups have enforced environmentally friendly standards to support the business's corporate social responsibility and overall bottom line. There are many benefits of being more sustainable for any manufacturing organization, including faster growth compared to competitors that are less focused on going green.

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Catherine Nardone

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