Source One Round Up: June 26,2015
Here is a look at where Source One experts have been published this week!
Why You Should Hop Back on the Direct Mail Train
There’s no denying that in today’s digital age, you would be hard pressed to find someone who doesn’t have at least one internet connected device. And while advertisers and marketers have turned their attention to digital campaign strategies, direct mail is still the old reliable in the marketing space.
Why You Should Hop Back on the Direct Mail Train
There’s no denying that in today’s digital age, you would be hard pressed to find someone who doesn’t have at least one internet connected device. And while advertisers and marketers have turned their attention to digital campaign strategies, direct mail is still the old reliable in the marketing space.
Driven by different goals and measures for success, Marketing
and Procurement teams do not always see eye to eye. However, an alliance
between these two groups could mean major strategic benefits for an
organization overall.
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