Outcomes matter.
They’re the difference between accepting an annual “discount” from a supplier versus going to market not just to reduce costs but to find a strategic partner that offers value added services and innovation. Outcomes are the difference between only interacting with your vendors when making a cyclical purchase, as opposed to frequently discussing new opportunities for product improvement, and market expansion. They’re the difference between settling for procurement operations that ‘just work’ versus establishing policies and procedures that deliver a sustainable strategic advantage for your company.
No matter what your supply management goals are – results count - Which is why this year’s Institute for Supply Management’s Annual Conference is focused on providing you with the insights necessary for achieving your goals. For the first time r, ISM2016 is bringing you a solution oriented track: The Corporate Team Experience, designed for executive level conference attendees to get you up to speed with supply management best practices and the latest tactics delivering results.
Executives from organizations with over $1.5B revenue won’t want to miss out the exclusive Exec IN forum, sponsored by leading procurement consulting firm Source One Management Services. This invite only event is packed with thought leadership sessions centered on addressing challenges specific to companies with large scale supply chain operations. The highly elite Exec IN forum also features exclusive sessions from keynote speakers Alan Mulally, former President and CEO of Ford Motor Company and Susan Cain, best-selling author of Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking.
To check out the conference agenda visit, www.ISM2016.org. To save on your event registration, contact Source One’s Carole Boyle at CBoyle@sourceoneinc.com.
They’re the difference between accepting an annual “discount” from a supplier versus going to market not just to reduce costs but to find a strategic partner that offers value added services and innovation. Outcomes are the difference between only interacting with your vendors when making a cyclical purchase, as opposed to frequently discussing new opportunities for product improvement, and market expansion. They’re the difference between settling for procurement operations that ‘just work’ versus establishing policies and procedures that deliver a sustainable strategic advantage for your company.
No matter what your supply management goals are – results count - Which is why this year’s Institute for Supply Management’s Annual Conference is focused on providing you with the insights necessary for achieving your goals. For the first time r, ISM2016 is bringing you a solution oriented track: The Corporate Team Experience, designed for executive level conference attendees to get you up to speed with supply management best practices and the latest tactics delivering results.
Executives from organizations with over $1.5B revenue won’t want to miss out the exclusive Exec IN forum, sponsored by leading procurement consulting firm Source One Management Services. This invite only event is packed with thought leadership sessions centered on addressing challenges specific to companies with large scale supply chain operations. The highly elite Exec IN forum also features exclusive sessions from keynote speakers Alan Mulally, former President and CEO of Ford Motor Company and Susan Cain, best-selling author of Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking.
To check out the conference agenda visit, www.ISM2016.org. To save on your event registration, contact Source One’s Carole Boyle at CBoyle@sourceoneinc.com.
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