This two-part Blog Series will explore strategies that
procurement and fleet professionals can leverage to decrease operating costs
and increase short to mid-term cash flow. These two outcomes are critical to
financial health and longevity during times of economic downturn, especially
with the scope and size of the impending downturn stemming from the COVID 19
pandemic. Strategies that will be covered in this series create cost savings
that will enable your organization to allocate critical dollars to the areas
where it is most needed (e.g. keeping employees on the payroll while new sales
come to a halt). There are 5 primary strategies that will be explored:
Part 1
• Restructuring
your lease strategy for new vehicle acquisition
• Leveraging
sale and leaseback programs
Part 2
• Fleet
policy restructuring
• Fuel
economy optimization
• Maintenance
Optimizing your asset acquisition strategy is a great way to
lock in short term cost savings. Right away, from a cash flow prospective,
leasing fleet vehicles versus purchasing outright will result in immediate
short-term savings for any planned new purchases. In times where cash is tight,
leasing is the way to go. When looking at lease options, the most common
vehicle leases are structured as a capital lease or operational lease. A capital lease has a higher monthly payment, but at the end of the lease term
ownership transfers to the lessee. Conversely, an operational lease has a lower
monthly payment, and at the end of the lease term the ownership of the asset
transfers to the lessor.
There upsides and downsides to each lease structure. For
example, a capital lease allows you to recognize expenses sooner and the Lessee
can claim both interest and depreciation each year on the assets, thereby
reducing taxable income. You also own the assets after the initial capital lease term, so you don’t have recurring monthly payments on each asset once the
lease term expires. However, the recurring monthly payments on your new
vehicles are higher on a capital lease. A company-wide capital lease strategy
also yields higher year over year maintenance costs since you will tend to
cycle assets for a longer term, on average, since all/most of your assets are
owned and you incurred a higher up front cost. Whereas vehicles under an operational lease umbrella will generally be newer which results in less
breakdowns and required maintenance over the long term since vehicles will be cycled in tandem with the operational lease term (typically 3-5 years).
When you think of this dynamic between both lease structures
during a time of a recession or company hardship where short-term cash flow is
paramount, it is advantageous to shift your buying strategy of new vehicles
towards operational leases. This lease strategy will give the organization some
short-term relief in the form of lower monthly lease payments (if buying new
assets is still a must), and, over time, will reduce year over year maintenance
costs as the average age of your fleet trends lower. If this strategy is
conducted in tandem with selling off old assets carrying high year over year
maintenance costs, the Net benefit can be game changing – more to come in Part
2 of this Blog Series on maintenance cost savings.
Executing a Sale/Leaseback program is another way to quickly
inject cash in your organization. A sale and leaseback program entails selling
your assets for cash and subsequently leasing back those same vehicles under an
adjusted lease structure. Selling your vehicles at fair market value will help
to inject some cash in pocket immediately and can also help to streamline or
consolidate leases if multiple exist; a commonality if your organization has
been involved in any M&A activity and inherited a detached fleet.
Overall, your long term acquisition strategy needs to be
carefully examined based on the unique characteristics of your fleet. The type
of fleet (heavy/semi-trucks vs. passenger vehicle), use of fleet (long haul vs.
short haul), geographic location (desert vs. mountains), idle times and so many
other factors need to be taken into consideration when choosing the right
acquisition and maintenance strategy. However, in the times we are in today
there are a handful of best practices that can be taken in the short-term to
reduce operational costs and increase cash flow. Part 2 of this series will
dive into more detail on how fleet policy restructuring, fuel optimization and
maintenance optimization can achieve similar short-term results to the outcomes
described herein.
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