Source One's series for keeping up with the most recent highlights in procurement, strategic sourcing, and supply chain news week-to-week. Check in with us every Monday to stay up to date with the latest supply management articles.
Can the Latest Supplier Relationship Management Tools Deliver the Clinically Integrated Supply Chain?
Tom Finn, Spend Matters, 10/11/2017
Hospitals outsourced their supply chain management and procurement operations to the industry’s group purchasing organizations many years ago. The group purchasing organizations took on individual health systems that did not know what they were buying, organized their data and assumed responsibility for maintaining them. Health systems are taking back control of their respective supply chains. The supply side has been the one managing the buy side all of these years. Studies have shown that this has improved outcomes more quickly and with more certainty.
Sourcing the Day After Tomorrow Part XIV
Michael Lamoureaux AKA The Sourcing Doctor, Sourcing Innovation, 10/11/2017
In each of the six steps to date, some were a waste of skilled talent time, some were crucially needed. We still know that the entire sourcing cycle must be done by humans. THE FINAL STEP: The contract step. The contract step includes; standard terms and conditions, modification & risk mitigation to supplier & country, key metadata definition and obligation specification, and contract analytics.
Can Procurement Save the Government?
Pierre Mitchell, Spend Matters, 10/10/17
Think about the role of an effective government, now think about procurement. Procurement in companies is charted with bringing innovations and helping defend the enterprise from external risks in the supply chain. Stakeholders want to maximize value from their money which includes the money invested in procurement. A good way to start with procurement saving the government is by looking at strategies & techniques to drive innovation.
Tom Finn, Spend Matters, 10/11/2017
Hospitals outsourced their supply chain management and procurement operations to the industry’s group purchasing organizations many years ago. The group purchasing organizations took on individual health systems that did not know what they were buying, organized their data and assumed responsibility for maintaining them. Health systems are taking back control of their respective supply chains. The supply side has been the one managing the buy side all of these years. Studies have shown that this has improved outcomes more quickly and with more certainty.
Sourcing the Day After Tomorrow Part XIV
Michael Lamoureaux AKA The Sourcing Doctor, Sourcing Innovation, 10/11/2017
In each of the six steps to date, some were a waste of skilled talent time, some were crucially needed. We still know that the entire sourcing cycle must be done by humans. THE FINAL STEP: The contract step. The contract step includes; standard terms and conditions, modification & risk mitigation to supplier & country, key metadata definition and obligation specification, and contract analytics.
Can Procurement Save the Government?
Pierre Mitchell, Spend Matters, 10/10/17
Think about the role of an effective government, now think about procurement. Procurement in companies is charted with bringing innovations and helping defend the enterprise from external risks in the supply chain. Stakeholders want to maximize value from their money which includes the money invested in procurement. A good way to start with procurement saving the government is by looking at strategies & techniques to drive innovation.
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