How can you do that? The following suggestions could help:
1) Leverage technology
First and foremost, now is the time to utilize as much new and emerging technology in your various supply chain processes as you can, according to Spend Matters. The more you can do to make sure processes are automated and you have visibility into everything you do, the better off you will be in identifying potential issues before they can truly wreak havoc.

2) Scout for more options
While you no doubt have great relationships with most of your supply chain partners, you can't necessarily rely on them 100% of the time — that's just the nature of the business, Spend Matters added. As such, you should always have fallback options for obtaining the goods you need when existing arrangements fall through. In fact, building contingencies for those contingencies, including what you might do if no suppliers can meet your needs, is probably a good idea.
3) Be more engaged with your partners
It's absolutely vital to have insights into not only your own processes, but also those of your supply chain partners, whenever possible, according to SupplyShift. That way, it becomes even easier to identify challenges on the horizon and work together to come up with workable solutions for all involved.
4) Incentivize data sharing
Sometimes, partners may be resistant to sharing some kinds of information, and that can be understandable in certain situations, SupplyShift noted. To get them more onboard with your vision, it might be wise to offer them incentives for hitting goals and otherwise setting you up for success. When they're given a financial stake in helping you, you probably won't be shocked to find how much other organizations are willing to help.
5) Get better at collaboration
As you're improving your efforts to improve collaboration with your supply chain partners, it's also important to make sure you're doing more to boost effective collaboration in-house, according to the Harvard Business Review. Something as simple as putting together a master list of agreements that multiple stakeholders can refer to when talking to supply chain partners can go a long way toward helping you work toward a singular goal.
6) Consistently tackle potential problems
You ought to know by now that there's no such thing as a set-it-and-forget-it, one-size-fits-all solution to ongoing supply chain success, but you may not be doing enough to ensure you're able to meet your goals continually, the Harvard Business Review advised. You should be scheduling regular meetings to ensure everyone is on the same page and are well-positioned to succeed individually and, of course, collectively.
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