Selecting an advertising agency to tackle a branding project is surprisingly difficult with the broad range of available options. Without a previous relationship, it can be challenging to understand if an agency partner will not only be the best cultural fit, but also produce work that meets expectations. According to a previous Strategic Sourceror post, “A Method to the Madness: How to Trim Your Potential Agency List,” there is a proven approach to ensure you are considering all necessary factors based on your brand team’s needs.

One of the most important practices is to ask the right questions at the right time. This, however, is easier said than done. To add some guidance to this advice, the following infographic will demonstrate a three-phased approach that has been proven to allow a measured method in narrowing options. To avoid a one-dimensional agency selection, the process outlined in the below infographic can help avoid reaching a hasty decision. To learn more about enhancing your agency selection methodologies, Source One's agency sourcing experts are experienced in identifying the best fit partner.

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