Now that St. Patty’s day is over, and the thousands of calories from alcohol and food have been packed on, it is time to get back into the diet regime. I am always looking for the best way to diet and exercise but do not always have the patience to read a book about it or speak with a specialist. I do, however always have a few minutes to check out applications on my smartphone and see what new technology is available.
In the past, my nutritionist said the first step is identifying what you are eating and how much so you can narrow down what is causing the problem. There are so many innovative applications and devices that I can now keep my ‘diet diary’ readily available and it only take a minute to update daily and get some feedback.
Studies explore how people who take advantage of these devices to manage their eating, track their progress and provide daily feedback are more inclined to keep exercising, eat better, and stay on track to having a fit and active lifestyle. A perfect example would be a SMART (Self-Monitoring and Recording with Technology) device. A recent study of 210 obese adults performed in Alabama proved that the people who used the devices lost more weight than those who did not. They took it a step further and mentioned people who took advantage of the daily feedback feature stayed on track and continued to lose weight; “The devices people used provided personalized dietary and exercise feedback messages to better their weight loss goals. They adhered to five treatment factors for weight loss including attending group sessions, meeting daily calorie goals, reaching weekly exercise goals, meeting daily fat intake goals, and monitoring eating and exercise.”
There are also so many applications on smartphones providing quick dieting tips and healthy planning guides. The Food on the Table application available on IPhone and Android devices and allows you to find cheap healthy recipes while directing you what to buy and where to shop locally. This takes Rachael Ray’s 30 Minute Meals to the next level!
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