December 14, 2018

Here's a look at where Source One's cost reduction experts have been featured this week!

Whitepaper Series:
MRO Demystified: Parts I - IV
Even the savviest Procurement professionals would agree that MRO spend presents consistent challenges. Composed of thousands of essential SKUs, the category gets all the more complicated when organizations take a hands-off approach. Source One's latest whitepaper series offers the tips and best practices your company needs to unlearn bad habits and get this critical category under management.

5 Reasons Your Procure-to-Pay Implementation Will Fail 
Anthony Mignona, Future of Sourcing, 12/14/2018
Why do so many P2P implementations come up short? Mignona offers several common reasons including a lack of internal alignment, poor stakeholder engagement, and ineffective training programs. Organizations often pursue technologies in the hopes that they'll quickly and definitively solve their biggest challenge. When they make even one of these mistakes, however, they tend to find themselves with even more problems than they started with.

Data & Socially Responsible Procurement 
Ari Markowitz, Buyers Meeting Point, 12/13/2018
Socially responsible Supply Chain Management is no longer optional. Organizations that want to satisfy their costumers and outpace their competitors have made the Triple Bottom Line a major component of their culture. Data analytics, too, has evolved from a luxury to a necessity in recent years. Markowitz suggests that by accessing and applying supplier CSR data organizations can ensure they work with responsible partners and deliver on their sustainability goals.

How to Keep Bad Weather from Ruining Your Logistics 
Brian Seipel, Future of Sourcing, 12/11/2018
This time of year especially, the idea of inclement weather is keeping Supply Chain Managers up at night. Seipel offers suggestions for organizations looking to safeguard their routes and shipping lanes against the unexpected. You can't control the weather, but you've got a great deal of control over how your organization responds. A little extra planning could save Procurement a whole lot of both money and effort when the next weather emergency strikes.

New Podcast:
Why Should I Care About Spend Analysis?
Procurement professionals have a lot on their plates these days. It's not entirely surprising that so many consider a spend analysis one task too many. In this episode of the Source One Podcast, Seipel reminds listeners that the potential ROI of a spend analysis tends to far outweigh the costs. Clamping down on maverick spend, identifying inefficiencies, and producing savings, spend analyses should occupy a prominent place in any organization's sourcing strategy.

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