Recently, Kelly Barner of sat down with Bill Dorn and Joe Payne, Vice Presidents of Source One Management Services, LLC to talk about Source One's experience with industries that have high potential to benefit greatly from the added value of strategic sourcing, specifically the higher education industry. Kelly published the interview entitled "The Need for 'Builders' in Strategic Sourcing."
Source One's leadership team has increasingly seen a need in the higher education industry for a strategic approach to buying the products and services necessary to run university operations on a tight budget. With tuition approaching the tipping point, colleges and universities need to find methods to continuing operations without cutting an already lean staff. To learn more about the industry's current needs, Joe attended an annual meeting of the National Association of College and University Business Officers in July.
Over the course of 20 years as a procurement service provider, Source One has found one of the imperatives for improving sourcing practices to be the development of capabilities and market insights by procurement resources. This is exactly what higher education procurement professionals will need to do in order to reach their cost management goals.
Co-authors of the strategic sourcing book "Managing Indirect Spend: Enhancing Profitability Through Strategic Sourcing," Joe and Bill are recognized as industry leaders and are experienced speakers who have presented to large audiences of procurement professionals as well as economic and business leaders.
Source One's leadership team has increasingly seen a need in the higher education industry for a strategic approach to buying the products and services necessary to run university operations on a tight budget. With tuition approaching the tipping point, colleges and universities need to find methods to continuing operations without cutting an already lean staff. To learn more about the industry's current needs, Joe attended an annual meeting of the National Association of College and University Business Officers in July.
“I attended NACUBO as a participant because I wanted to understand what was important to institutions from a practitioner standpoint. I was not there to sell our services, but to engage in a dialogue with the financial leaders at various schools. My goal was to learn more about how the downturned economy and limited government funding was affecting institutes of higher education, and what they were doing about it from a cost perspective.”
Over the course of 20 years as a procurement service provider, Source One has found one of the imperatives for improving sourcing practices to be the development of capabilities and market insights by procurement resources. This is exactly what higher education procurement professionals will need to do in order to reach their cost management goals.
'“The individually controlled spend categories are often extremely challenging to break into,” said Bill. “The only way procurement will be successful in penetrating these reluctant spend categories is to not only properly develop their skillsets and technologies, but they must also be successful at internal marketing and managing change.”'
Co-authors of the strategic sourcing book "Managing Indirect Spend: Enhancing Profitability Through Strategic Sourcing," Joe and Bill are recognized as industry leaders and are experienced speakers who have presented to large audiences of procurement professionals as well as economic and business leaders.
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