This should probably conclude my exciting series on wireless management, save for a few bits and bobs I may have forgotten or other concerns that may arise. I’m just as sad as you, but I’ll find other spend categories to rant about.

The final word when dealing with wireless providers is patience. I’ve worked on quite a few wireless projects for various clients in various industries and there has only been one team I’ve come across that was exceptionally responsive to the client’s needs. I’ve had a few who were marginally responsive, which is usually the best you can hope for. I’ve had other wireless teams that were just abhorred. I recall for one project I sent recommendations for plan changes in June and nothing was acted on until October, in spite of monthly invoice audits reminding them nothing has been done. That was a fun project.

I haven’t worked on the inside of the wireless world (thank god), but what I hear from reliable people, there are several reasons for the lack of care and responsiveness.

Sales: Wireless is a sales driven business. Once a provider gets you to sign a two year deal, they have you. Odds are you’re not going to change providers in mid-contract and take a huge hit on all the ETFs. Once a rep gets one contract signed, they’re on to the next one.

Turnover: This one is self-explanatory. Most sale-intensive fields have high turnover rates. If you’re not good at selling and you’re not making money, you’re going to jump ship pretty soon. This happens quite frequently in wireless. Also, there are many subordinates and call center people who might help out on your account, and those positions are also subject to high turnover rates.

Team Reshuffling: As a result of turnover, to fill in voids left that can’t quickly be filled, people may shift from wireless team to wireless team. Also, reps with a large workload may be needed to take on additional responsibility, so they don’t have time to attend to every account the way you would want them to.

I’m sure there are other reasons. I’m an eternal cynic of the wireless world and I could spread some nefarious theories, but I won’t. The bottom line is any major reshuffling of your wireless profile, anything from plan changes to consolidation to transfer of ownership, takes time. Even something seemingly simple as sending your wireless rep a spreadsheet of voice plans to change can routinely take at least two months; one month to get the bulk of it changed, then another month to fix any mistakes made.

Another word to go along with patience, which can seem like a contradiction, is persistence. Sending an email to request some changes and then assuming they got taken care of or waiting for the rep to send an update will get you nowhere. Stay on top of your rep, but try not to get ticked off when in spite of being on your game, your rep isn’t. These things take time. It’s not just you, believe me. Many, many, many people have shared in your frustration. It’s worth the effort, however, and the savings will be proof. Good luck.
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Jazzy Sourcer

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  1. Thanks for reading.

    - Remember, if you need help with managing your wireless spend, or strategic sourcing, please contact Source One at
