Time magazine and Logistics Magazine recently highlighted work that the design firm IDEO has done in supply chain management. It’s always worth knowing what IDEO—a company that, for 30 years, has brought innovation to the innovation business—is up to, so take a look at both articles.

The Logistics Magazine is particularly worthwhile—a good, brief account of how IDEO helped put a client, Kraft Foods, on the road to supply chain optimization.

And also look at IDEO’s own description of a simple move—changing the way boxes get stacked on pallets—that led to a 162 percent increase in sales for Kraft Capri Sun Lemonade at one of Kraft’s supermarket customers, Safeway.

It’s upon that kind of simple, “how come nobody ever thought of that?” innovation that IDEO has built such a huge fan base.

For more, get hold of a copy of Tom Kelley’s The Art of Innovation, an easy-read book that will take you through IDEO’s history, philosophy, and accomplishments.
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William Dorn

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