"Too Many Marketing Fingers in the Pie"

Sourcing Innovation just posted a great article on running those first pilot projects following a successful access-gain into the Marketing category. Among some of the tips, notes, and warnings:
  • "You need to have a firm understanding of what Marketing needs and a solid understanding of the lingo used by the Agencies as well as Marketing."
  • "You need to present Marketing with a clear picture of the process you are going to follow up-front and make sure that Marketing understands the process you are using and the critical importance of not circumventing the process, no matter how many times the incumbent Agency representative uses his direct-dial rolodex and asks someone in Marketing to let a requirement slide or just skip straight to the pitch."
  • "You won't be thanked for your many successes, even though proper benchmarking and reporting will have you recognized by the CFO and CEO, you will get all the blame for any and all failures if you screw up just once."
Follow the link above to see the article in full, and for more advice on collaborating with Marketing, check out http://marketing.sourceoneinc.com.

A 1-2 Punch of SRM and Internal Marketing

Your average procurement group - and maybe your procurement group - is inundated with recommendations and advice concerning the pursuit of strategic initiatives. The message is clear that future and long-term success for procurement and sourcing groups is going to be in the form of strategic initiatives that see procurement move from tactical rubber-stampers focused solely on cost reduction to strategic resources focused on the long-term growth of the organization. But many groups are resource-light and are up in the air about which strategic initiatives to pursue in order to get the strategic ball rolling, so to speak.

This article from Buyers Meeting Point, put together from a collection of Source One personnel, details two of the most common recommended initiatives - internal marketing and supplier relationship management, or SRM - and outlines how to optimally pursue them. The result is a 1-2 punch that delivers an early impact, a recognizable ROI, and gets procurement moving towards a position more centric to the organization's overarching goals.

And for more information on Supplier Relationship Management, check out http://srm.sourceoneinc.com.

Image courtesy of Peace Through Pie
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Nicholas Hamner

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  1. Colon and rectum cancer is the second leading cause of death in America. Colon cancer occurs in the large intestine. If the cancer is in the last six inch of the colon it is said to be a rectal cancer. Colon is the lower part of the digestive system which processes food for energy and get rid of the solid waste from our body. Colon cancer can be called as colorectal cancer. This colorectal cancer starts as begin polyps that grows in the inner lining wall of the colon. Growth of the polyps takes from ten to twenty years to become a cancerous growth. Life of a patient depends on how much growth of cancer has spread and what stage it is in the body.
    People of age 50 or over develops this cancer generally. That does not mean that lower age bracket do not get it. It is curable if caught early.
    Most people do not have any sign of colorectal cancer in the early stage. So take the screening taste like colonoscopy every five to ten years. If you have the colorectal cancer then you will see the changes in the bowel habits, blood in the stool, problems related to blood loss like anemia or weakness will occur, abdominal discomfort, unexplained weight loss, pain with bowel movement, fatigue.
    There is no cause for occurring this. Studies suggests that genetic mutation plays a role.
    There are some risk factors one should be aware of like Age being over 50, eating a high fat diet, smoking, being overweight, use of alcohol, having diabetes, family history of colorectal cancer.
    Doctor order test like sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy and barium enema to detect this disease.
    It is known that colonoscopies prevents up to 19% of colorectal cancer deaths. Screening tests like annual fecal test, stool DNA test, flexible sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, double contrast barium enema test, virtual colonoscopy are required to prevent this cancer. Eating fruits and vegetables, food rich in omega-3 fatty acid such as salmon and halibut, folate like whole grains and leafy green vegetables and calcium such as sea vegetables and kale can reduce the risk of colorectal cancer. Also exercise and maintaining proper weight reduces the cancer.
    Surgery is done to remove the part of the colon which contains the tumor followed by chemotherapy treatment is necessary on the stage of the cancer. Making life style changes like eating less red meat, losing weight, quitting smoking and getting more exercise can help a person with a family history of colorectal cancer.
    Doctors prescribe medication like Folfox, Camptosar, bevacizumab, cetuximab to treat this disease.
    Surgery is done when the disease is found in an early stage. Polyps can be removed during a colonoscopy before becoming cancerous. Colorectal cancer should never be treated with nutrition and dietary supplements alone.
    In the diet include antioxidant foods and fruits like blueberries, cherries and tomatoes, squash and bell pepper, avoid refined foods like white breads, pastas and sugar, eat food rich in fiber like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, eat less red meat, use healthy oils like olive oil or coconut oil, eliminate trans-fatty acids, avoid caffeine, drink plenty of water and exercise.

    Supporting Research

    1.) http://saintlukeshealthsystem.adam.com/content.aspx?productId=109&pid=33&gid=000026
    2.) Dave's mom

    -Yagnesh Out!
